Healing Source Molasses
Molasses, which can be produced from sweet fruits such as grapes, rosehips, figs, carob or berry, or all agricultural products that can turn into sugar such as sugar beet, juniper fruit, is a dense and thick syrup that has always been in our culture. However, there are also beet sugar and molasses produced from juniper. Molasses, which is produced by boiling the crushed and smoked fruits for hours, is considered as an excellent energy source. Indeed, 100 grams of molasses contain 1,276 kJ (305 calories) of energy. Thanks to its many vitamins and minerals, it supports our body, especially in cold winter months. When mixed with tahini and consumed, it is not satisfied with its taste. If we list the benefits of molasses:
- It meets most of our daily magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iron needs.
- The natural glucose contained in it turns into energy by mixing directly into the blood. Therefore, it can provide the energy our body needs, especially in cold weather.
- Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it reduces the effects of aging and eliminates skin problems caused by smoking and sunlight.
- Since it is a food rich in potassium, it has many benefits for cardiovascular health. Indeed, molasses is known to play an important role in preventing a heart attack.
- It protects our cells from the harmful effects of free radicals and prevents their structure from changing. Therefore, it has a protective effect against various types of cancer.
- Because it is rich in calcium, it has many benefits for both bone and digestive system health. It is especially known to reduce the risk of colon (bowel) cancer.
- 7.5% of a tablespoon of molasses consists of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6; A vital vitamin for the immune system, nervous system, cell formation, blood health, and energy production. Likewise, it prevents arthritis and rheumatic pains.
- It does not cause weight gain as the fat rate is zero.
Ufresh carries the delicious natural molasses produced from the freshest fruits to the traditional recipes to your breakfast tables.
Molasses Nutritional Values
In every 100 grams of grape molasses;
Energy 293 calories Calcium 32 mg
Fat 0 g Iron 0.45 mg
Dietary Fiber 0.21 g Potassium 832 mg
Protein 1.12 g
Fat 0 mg
Vitamin A 19 IU
Sodium 9 mg
Vitamin C 10 mg