History and Benefits of Turkish Delight

The name Lokum is derived from the Arabic word "Rahat-ul hulküm". This word means "relieves throat". Approximately 600 years since is manufactured in Turkey and within our traditional desserts. Although it first appeared in the 15th century, its entry into the Ottoman palaces took place in the 17th century. The reason why it is a soft dessert is the wishes of the sultans, especially Abdulhamit I. As a matter of fact, the soft delight prepared by a dessert master named Muhittin Hacı Bekir upon the request of Abdulhamit I, using refined sugar instead of molasses, became the first example of Turkish delight today. The same dessert master introduced Turkish delight to Europe in the 18th century.

Turkish delight is an exquisite dessert known, recognized, and enjoyed in almost every country in the world. It is even known as “Turkish Delight” in most countries of the world (especially in North America). The Turkish delight is called "Rahat" in Bosnia and Romania, "Delicia Turca" in Brazil, and "Loukoumi" in Greece. The origin of the jelly, which is frequently used in western cuisines, is based on Turkish delight. It is served with Turkish coffee in almost all Balkan countries.

Benefits of Turkish Delight

A quality Turkish delight should be elastic, leaving a soft and slippery feeling in the mouth. It is possible to state the benefits of Turkish delight as follows:

  • Turkish Delight is an energy store. It turns into energy by burning in a very short time.
  • Turkish Delight is a dessert used in the treatment of various kidney diseases. As a matter of fact, doctors especially recommend consuming Turkish delight with vanilla and cocoa.
  • In Anatolian villages, Turkish delight is still used to heal wounds.
  • It helps to remove harmful substances accumulating in the body due to consuming protein food.

Ufresh Turkish delight varieties prepared by sticking to traditional recipes will leave an unforgettable taste on your palate. In addition to our classic Turkish delight varieties; We also have special varieties for Ufresh such as roving delight, king delight, and amulet delight.