Millennium Generation Likes to Eat Snack in Turkey

According to research done; It was stated that the Y generation, born between 1980-2000, called the Millennium Belt, likes to consume healthy snack nuts more than adults. Ufresh brand Sales Manager Üsame Boz, who stated that the nuts that give the feeling of satiety besides providing energy are also effective against obesity, recommended that young people continue this habit.

Passing in front of snack meals for most people in the world and Turkey. While it is determined that the majority of consumers between the ages of 18-34 worldwide pass breakfast at least three times a week, in Europe, it is stated that the majority of those who ate at least three times a week in the morning are again consumers between the ages of 18-34.

As a result of the researches, Ufresh brand Sales Manager Üsame Boz stated that people consume snacks instead of the main meal, stressful and stressful, “While the consumption of snack nuts among adults is 77 percent, this rate is 85 percent in the millennium generation. As a company, we have a say in internet sales upon requests. The fact that the snack culture not only in our country but also in the world guides our daily nutrition preferences has been the subject of many studies. Young people are especially careful about health today. Due to its high nutritional values ​​and meeting its energy needs, it consumes especially nuts such as raw almonds, raw nuts, raw cashews. About 65 percent of the purchases made on our Ufresh website are made by the millennium generation. Particularly, they tend to develop fit body and muscle trends among young people, and they consume protein consumption and nutritional values ​​such as saturated fatty acids. In addition to this, we see both the millennium generation young people who complain about their excess weight, and they prefer healthy snack nuts between meals, both in our website shopping and in researches. ”